I have always thought that emotions should be shared in the heat of the moment, otherwise you want to keep them for yourself after a certain amount of time, and you no longer feel like sharing them with others.
I have just enjoyed one of the most beautiful awakenings of my life. Yes, I must confess, when it comes to the sea, I cannot be but biased. But I can assure you, when you slowly open your eyes, head still on the pillow, seeing a line dividing the blue clear June sky from the blue sea still illuminated by the light of dawn, well, this is the vision you wish would never end. Have you ever thought of wanting to stop time, and treasure that moment? This morning was like that to me.
Only a few hours have passed since the end of my wonderful day in the Suite on the top floor of the Hotel Savini in Bellaria Igea Marina. One of the most beautiful rooms I have ever seen, the kind you think only exists in catalogues, yet... It is a discreet and elegant luxury suite. Embracing and regenerating. A 'gentle' luxury to make you feel good. It reflects the personality of this wonderful hotel staff, giving you a genuine smile every time you encounter them, it is a place where every detail is a discovery.